Friday, February 08, 2008

(LII) Mukasey: Master of Illogic

Attorney General Mukasey again exposes his embarrassingly modest skills as a thinker, claiming that he cannot legally investigate the legality of waterboarding, simply because it was judged legal by members of his Department at an earlier date. In other words:

Mistake #1: At time x, some DOJ officials (wrongly, immorally, stupidly) claim that waterboarding is legal (most likely to protect the administration from future criminal prosecution, the safety of future POWs and the moral character and international standing of the USA be damned).

Mistake #2: At time x+1, hounded by Congressional calls for an investigation, AG MuKasey wrongly, immorally, and stupidly refuses to comply out of respect for the earlier mistakes, immorality, and stupidity of DOJ officials (again, most likely in a continuing effort to protect the administration from future criminal prosecution).

Perhaps Mukasey believes that a compounded mistake (or "two wrongs") is a kind of double negative, or "not not-correct" act?!

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