"Lacto-Ovo Veggie - The most common type of vegetarian diet in which one omits all flesh from the diet but does include dairy products and eggs.
Ovo Veggie - The term used to describe a vegetarian diet with the addition of eggs only (no flesh and no dairy).
Vegan - Excludes all foods and products of animal origin including honey, wool, and leather.
Raw Vegan - Same as above but consumes raw or 'living' food only.
Semi Veggie - Also referred to as a 'part-time vegetarian.' Red meat is eliminated from the diet but fish and chicken are still consumed on occasion.
Pesco Veggie - Eliminates most animal flesh but allows the consumption of fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products.
- Semi vegetarian and pesco vegetarian are a bit of an oxymoron, but you will come across people who use these terms to describe their eating habits.
Pudding Veggie - A vegetarian of any sort who lives on a "meatless" junk food diet.
Social Veggie - A 'pick the meat off the pizza and it will be ok' kind of vegetarian."
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